The Stage

John 12:49 “For I did not speak on my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.”

I love the stage. My bent toward being a natural Storyteller was discovered early, and although my family never had money for lessons, God got me onto a stage every year of my life starting at 6 years old. When I was 17, I was known to my High School as the Fine Arts Queen, and at 17 God called me to be a missionary to my High School, to have one story to tell.

The Musical that year was Oklahoma and I had a good shot for the lead role, but something new was stirring inside me. I felt God’s jealousy over my life and sensed he was calling me to a different path.

I wanted to be a Broadway Performer, to have tried that path. So it wasn’t a small thing to quit the Theater department in the middle of my senior year. I will never forget those conversations with my teachers, packing up my bags, and taking the long walk to my car. I could not see a path ahead for my fierce devotion to Jesus and my love for theater, one love had to displace the other.

But not for long.

When I was 19 I was traveling full time across the country ministering to Churches and Schools through the arts.

Jesus had given us ‘what’ to say, and I learned that all my years of theater training gave me great insight into “how’ to say it. Students listened better when we tucked our message into a skit or a song...they would even laugh and clap, they digested the message with pleasure. I learned that art is the language of the soul, and so it has the ability to bypass our walls and slip right into our hearts. I believe this is why Jesus told stories, the story is the seed that tests the soil of our hearts. If the soil is soft, the story will root and that heart will open. Jesus knew that.

It was true in street performances, hostile High School assemblies, unruly children’s programs, detention centers, elderly homes, stuffy Sunday crowds- the art would beckon them and pull them in and somehow Jesus would speak his heart. After years of testing this, I learned to tuck myself deep inside the art, say a prayer, and then launch out boldly inside the performance. I grew to expect God as he won over even the most hostile crowd.

When I was in my early 20’s I was given the chance to be a Ballet Major at a local University, it was the offer of a dream come true. I came off the road for a while and dove head first back into the theater world. I wore the coveted pink tights and black leotard and pulled my hair tight into a bun everyday. I was covered in sweat and danced all day long and I couldn’t believe my life. What a dream.

My family came to our season Finale, and after the performance I met them in the hallway and they gave me flowers. Shannon’s eyes said it all, “It was good. It was nice.” But I remembered what his eyes looked like when they burned with fervor after our school assemblies or breakthrough ministry performance moments and I knew it in that moment, I knew it again- I loved something else more. I answered an important question that semester on pointe shoes; I don’t love art for the sake of art. I love art for missions.

I have never asked that question again and I have invested 30 years studying the ‘what’ and creating art for the ‘how’. God assures me that this is what he made me for and that I will run out of days before I run out of stories to tell.

The Mission

I was 5 years old when Mom opened up our house on Thursday nights for “RAP”, that’s what the teenagers called it. My brother Sam and my sister Sue piled into our living room with all their friends and studied God’s word. I was 5 years old and I often fell asleep in the middle of the floor surrounded by Bibles, journals, and teenagers pursuing Jesus. One of those teenagers was a young man named Jeff Butler who would become a Church Planter in NYC.

I was a 16 year old Cheerleader trying to fit into ‘the crowd’ when I went to a party where everyone was drinking or drunk and pressuring me to join them. I knew I was at a crossroads, that night I went home and got on my knees and told Jesus that I wanted to be known as someone who lived for him-a teenager who pursued Jesus. I started reading my Bible each morning before school and learning to pray, and a few months later God called me to be a missionary at my High School. I started a Student Led Bible Study in the Science classroom on my lunch break and encouraged my friends at other schools to do the same. Soon other Churches invited me to talk to their youth groups about being a missionary at School and before I knew it I was traveling across the Nation full time training student missionaries and performing in Abstinence School Assemblies. Shannon and I were on that team together and married in 1988.

Nearly 10 years after I started my Student Led Bible Study (and 20 years after RAP) there were similar groups on every school campus in my city, simultaneously our town was battling gang violence. My Mom and her friend Cheryl started praying for protection for the kids in the city and God answered their prayers in ways neither one could have imagined. In a matter of months they were able to organize a city wide effort that organized and resourced every Student Led Bible Study group with invitations to a large Stadium event. The invitations were called Locker 2 Locker, the city wide effort was called “Youth Crisis Awareness Week.” There were 70 school assemblies in 5 days and thousands of invitations handed out from students to students- around 15,000 students arrived at the Stadium and thousands surrendered their lives to the Lord with representation from several local gangs according to the Police. Our city was changed- Jesus heard the prayers of Mom’s and Dad’s and Christian students.

I was 8 months pregnant with our first baby when I got a call from Mars Hill Video Productions. They heard about Youth Crisis Awareness week and wanted to make a documentary about the story, they asked if they could interview me. I laughed out loud (because I was 8 months pregnant), they arrived to make the film in May and I was due in June. The film premiered at 2 large youth events in LA and DC and they wanted to fly me in to speak after each one. So, Isaac was born and in four weeks Shannon and I flew across the country with our baby boy. The film was called “The Call.” For the next 5 years I was invited to speak at many events

across the country where the film was shown, which coincides with the pregnancies and births of our daughters Annie and Elisa. Now a mother of 3 young children, I was speaking at an event in NY when my husband and I were invited to assist with leading a tour across the Nation to 120 cities during the year of 1999. We loaded our family of 5 into an RV to minister with 40 college aged students for a year praying over our Nation and calling students to pursue Jesus- it was the most difficult assignment of our lives. Our children put their little feet in all 50 states before they entered Kindergarten. Our hearts were broken for the Church in the Northeast and we told the Lord we would go there if He called us. We came home and told our Church and friends about this experience and invited them to join us in planting a Church in NYC. (More about that next week:)

Entry #4

On the 1999 tour of all 50 states we witnessed the massive disconnect between the Church buildings and the culture. In NY we saw Church buildings padlocked and closed and we saw Church buildings turned into bars. We began to inquire of God about this and wanted to try something new, so in 2000 we rented an old building downtown and started a Coffee Shop and Event Center. We had little concerts and worship gatherings while folks drank coffee in this old retro space. Then we were called to Buffalo, NY and so we closed down the experiment and tucked the dreams deep into our hearts.

We arrived in Buffalo, NY filled with zeal and vision having no idea that we had just arrived in a wilderness. Within days of arriving I was in the hospital with one of our kiddos, the beginning of a long walk of medical crisis. Within weeks 9/11 shook the nation and broke our hearts. Within months the strain within the YFC ministry and the strain within our family brought me to complete collapse. I resigned, Shannon was laid off, our little girl was sick, our ministry companions moved away, and we were alone and broke. In that wilderness sojourn I was desperate and that desperation drove me to Jesus many times a day, in one of those moments Jesus said, “stay.” Meaning, “stop running in and out of my presence, stay- live the whole journey from here”. John 15, abide with me. Turns out our good God was more interested in the ministry to me than the ministry through me. He emptied our hands so he could do a deep work in our hearts.

Soon after Shannon was hired at a local Church and was immediately swept into beautiful breakthroughs in so many hearts returning to Jesus. He wanted to start a special service for these people and so he sought counsel. One old friend said, “Shannon- when are you going to start a Church?” It was a question he had considered before the wilderness season - so he tried again, this time reaching out to Church Planting organizations aiming at NYC. They declined him, but referred him to others and through a series of events, we were assessed and affirmed as Church Planters and were sent to Asheville, North Carolina.

In May 2005 we arrived with a moving truck, a minivan, 4 kids, and a dog. We didn’t know one person in that city and had no one to help us unload the truck. We made a slide out of the ramp

and kids and boxes slid down it all morning. We had 5 months to raise funds for our staff, meet strangers and invite them to be launch team members and secure a location. Miraculously all of that happened and on October 9, 2005 Highland Christian Church was born in a performance hall and bar called “The Orange Peel”. Our children helped to launch that Church at 11, 9, 7, and 4 yrs of age, and they grew up taking communion in a Bar. They sat on the floor with a clipboard craft and learned to sing their hearts out in worship. They sat among the most beautiful people from every walk of life- convicts, addicts, homeless, professionals, artists, single moms, and seekers. We were used to our flip flops flying off our feet because the floor was so sticky from the spilled beer the night before. Our worship was raw and powerful, our expression was artistic and stunning, the testimonies were abundant and life altering and in the 7 years at The Orange Peel we planted a second campus, birthed an Art school, and partnered with a dear family to launch a downtown boutique (so we could pay the rent for the art school.)

In the midst of that precious assignment I sensed a challenge from the Lord not to bury the enormous talent I was surrounded by, but instead to see if we could come together to invest it for the Kingdom. We decided to produce the musical Godspell and to perform 4 shows over Easter weekend 2009. Over 100 artists from our Church came together and created stunning sets, costumes, choreography, live music, and an unforgettable cast. We sold out the Orange Peel all weekend and ended up performing the show on tour and in additional productions.

We were all in absolute awe. We learned something very important together. The city would sell out the venue to see beautiful performance art communicating the same message they wouldn’t come to Church to hear. I had no idea the Godspell experience would serve as the launchpad for the next season of my life. (To be continued)

Entry #5 The Story of God

I don’t know anyone who loves Story as much as my husband, the Literature Major. He loves the character building, the symbolism, the plot lines and movement in a story and he has taught all of this to our children. After our weekly Pizza Movie night (for most of their lives) there is always discussion afterwards...”What did you see?” “How did they tell that story?” “What was the imagery?” Sometimes the conversation spills over into the next week as more understanding and insight arrives.

Proverbs 24:32
I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw.

There is no greater Story than the Story of God, every other great Story borrows from elements of the ultimate plot line. It is inescapable, it is written on our hearts.
Even so, there are so many who only know the whispers of this Story. As a Pastor, this was crushing Shannon as he labored over the years to pass along his highest devotion to THE

STORY. He found many who only knew parts and couldn’t connect the full picture. He led Bible Studies, wrote Bible Studies, read and lent out many books- but so many chose not to read, or struggled with reading/comprehension/time/desire. So in his exasperation he began to research oral storytelling strategies used by missionaries while sharing with people groups who have no written language. Aha!!! This was a breakthrough discovery... “Show me!”

Shannon gathered a team to select 16 critical scenes within the Story of God and commissioned me to add performance art to the Storytelling...and “Story of God” was born. In the summer of 2012 we invited a cast of 40, ages 6-60 to a “4 month summer mission trip for Asheville.” We rehearsed every Saturday and told one story per week for 16 weeks. It was an enormous challenge to create a mobile Story that could travel to our two locations each week, but we found the rhythm and the joy and we pulled it off. Every week one more episode in The Story was told and it was so good- and yet, we watched the summer attendance wax and wane and I knew that many were still only getting part of the Story. I wondered what it would be like to attempt the whole Story in a single setting through live theater? To hear God say, “In the beginning” and watch his whole story till He says, “Come home.” To know that He started it, He sustains it, and He will take us “home.” Could it be done? Should it be done? The seed of that thought kept me curious through the whole 4 month mission. It was a beautiful and ambitious effort for a local church and I will always treasure those happy hearted Storytellers that completed the task.

Two years later our Church sent a team of Artists to East Asia to partner with some missionaries we supported there. I was a part of that team that performed in coffee shops and street corners, living rooms and crowded villages. The country restricted any language expressing faith in Jesus, so we ministered through dance and allowed the observers to ask questions. They did and the time there was rich and beautiful. On May 28th, 2014 in a hotel in East Asia-I woke up in the middle of the night with a vision of how to tell the Story in a single setting with a cast of 8. The ideas were flooding my mind, so I slipped out of the bed where 3 of us were sleeping and went to the bathroom area and used the light from my cellphone to write the outline. I knew it wasn’t an was a commission. I went home and wrote a fundraising letter and began inviting the cast, I sensed the Storytellers should be my family so the picture of God’s family would be clear. The funds came in immediately and when Isaac learned of the opportunity to write the Score for The Story he said, “Mom, that burden has my name on it.” Each of my family members said yes, including my niece and nephew. Isaac and I began writing and creating with a team of musicians, costumers, and choreographers. We completed the writing by the end of October when we were visited by an old friend who said he had been praying for 5 years that I would write a production telling the Story of the Kingdom. We were all amazed when I shared that it was almost done. He invited us to consider joining him in his mission, the timing was uncanny. The weekend he arrived in our home was the same weekend that Shannon told me he felt his time at Highland was coming to a close and sensed that God was going to call us to a new assignment. We were simultaneously heart broken and in awe. It seemed as if this Story had a calling much greater than I knew.

In March 2015 my family and the SOG team relocated to Nashville, Tennessee to partner with our friends mission. We bought an amazing house large enough for 8 of us and miraculously secured an RV that slept 10. Story of God opened in Diane Wortham Theater in Asheville and sold out 2 shows (thanks to the amazing team from Highland!). This version was told by a cast of 8 in 100 minutes and the gear fit inside a motorcycle trailer. It was beautiful and God was showing me it could be done. But deep inside my heart the memory of the coffee shop in East Asia still challenged me. It still wasn’t small enough to fit in a couple taxis. We toured that version sporadically the rest of that year- but touring proved to be a pretty difficult life to sustain. The strain of that reality combined with the strain of the mission we were assisting created cause for inquiry of God. Shannon stayed up all night again researching for ways to help Story of God and our family stabilize....we didn’t fully know it yet, but we were entering wilderness #2.

In March of 2016 we sold our house in Nashville and moved to Branson, Missouri and bought another beautiful house for 8 of us, that soon became 10 of us when 2 understudies arrived. Shannon set out to find a Theater that would be open to the Story of God by literally driving up and knocking on doors. He found the Theater. We were absolutely shocked and overwhelmed because it was beautiful and perfect in every way. We signed a contract to perform 3 Stories/week and dove into finding a Church and trying to build a life in this new city. Our budget would work if just 20 people bought tickets for each show inside a Theater that seated 200 which would allow us to give many tickets away. The Lord supplied a gift of $25,000 for billboards, pamphlets, signage, and promo videos. The Chamber of Commerce came and cut the red ribbon on the opening of The Story of God at Branson Star Theater...we made it in every possible external way we could have made it.....

Then no one came to see the Story, or just one person, or 2 people, then no one again- and every time we would pour out a full hearted performance, but we started to struggle financially. Everyone went and got jobs to try to sustain the first year drought. Then our dear Theater Manager got throat cancer and had to step down. Then the Theater went under new ownership and Shannon immediately sensed a lack of peace, we learned later that this man had 5 warrants out for his arrest. As we were limping to finish our contract when we began to battle illness within the team and the lack of understudies made that very challenging. It seemed as quickly as it all went up, it all came down. We had to end the Theater run and send our team back to their homes. And then it was over.

Shannon got a job cutting granite and I started cleaning houses in Branson. I read and reread Elisabeth Elliot’s book “These Strange Ashes”, where she tells the story of her first mission. Her summary sentence is, “Sometimes when you put a gift on the altar, God burns it all up- and all you have to show for it are ‘these strange ashes.’ We entered into the deepest season of pruning I had ever known. The pruning sheers were cutting so deep, but this wasn’t my first wilderness so I knew the good character of God and that he loved me so. I prayed for the courage to lay still and trust the hand that was cutting so deep. I didn’t have any answers, just tears. I had my 3rd crisis of faith in that season, but it only lasted 2 minutes this time (instead of months or days like the first 2 did). It was so short because I knew deeply that God had the right

to shake everything that could be shaken. It was his Story we were trying to tell...he had the right to take us at our word. He is Holy, Holy, Holy.

Shannon and I began to inquire of God earnestly and in that season an old Church Planting friend reached out and said, “If Shannon wants to plant another Church tell him to pick his city in the Appalachian area and we will get behind him.” After months of inquiry and prayer we knew Boone, NC was the place.

In March of 2017 our family moved to a mountain cabin in Boone, North Carolina and the Story of God was packed into cases and tucked into our garage. Waiting. We were broken, weak, and lonely- all of us, everyone who had some part in the Story had experienced deep hurt that had to be felt and endured...there was so much to learn, hear, would end up taking a few years. So, I began, one morning I took a long walk on that mountain road and the tree’s and the birds began to minister to my broken heart. They said, “Don’t worry. Stay. Root deep. Reach High in worship of God.” So I prayed the biggest prayer I could pray based on John 15:2..

“Jesus, I pray that in the next season Shannon and I will be more fruitful than we have ever been before.”

Mountainside Community Church was born in a blizzard on March 25, 2018 when every other Church in town was closed. Those who braved that storm were the hearts who became our church family and the dearest friends who carried us through the rest of the storms that were coming; 2018 our son’s divorce, 2019 my mom’s death, 2020 a global pandemic. (To be continued...)

Entry #6 The Brownstone.
During this season of Lent, I have a resurrection story to tell.

George Herbert said,

“Death used to be an executioner. The gospel makes death a Gardner”

Shannon McCready has been invited to be the new Pastor of Central Community Church in NY, NY.

Our family will be moving to NY this summer!

If you have been reading along all month, this Story is the culmination of a life long vision that had been so deeply surrendered at so many different points along our journey that we never even thought about it anymore. Jesus not only resurrected the vision, but he blew the door wide open and prepared every resource we would need! He was working toward this (literally) all my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine, meanwhile- we were burying our hopes and failed attempts and packing up our resources in an invisible basement.

Here is the story from my journal entries over the last 15 months.

December 2021-

I am swimming at the Rec Plex and praying/thinking when a challenge from Greg Spillman (my cousin) came to mind, “Sherri, what would you do if I won the lottery cause I don’t want to mess up your faith.” So, I decided to swim, pray, think, imagine and try to answer the question, so I did. In a matter of minutes I remembered all the old hopes and dreams for NYC and the desire and vision for how to use a Brownstone for a ministry team to live in and minister from. I paused my swimming long enough to dry my hands and reach for my phone to enter this answer to the question into my phone. I wanted to live seasonally in NYC and Boone and have a missional building to minister from in both. So, I texted my cousin that he could win the lottery now.

February 22, 2022

I told my family off and on that day that this date was special because of Isaiah 22:22 “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Some prophetic hearts were calling this day, 2/22/22 a ‘doors day’. The next evening as Shannon and I drove home from small group in the dark on HWY 421 he said, “What was that dream for a Brownstone in NYC?” So I told him again. He then told me that Jeff Butler from Community Christian Church in NYC had emailed him on the 22nd to see if he would be interested in applying for the Lead Pastor position.

I sat in stunned silence. I couldn’t find the words. Elisa, Vic and Teddy had just moved to Boone and for the first time in a long time I was living in the midst of my dream- the sweetest church, the sweetest town, the dearest friends, my highest loves sitting at my table...all that I had hoped for me, if Earth were conclusion. But even on that night the only words that I could

get out my mouth were, “NYC is the only city that I could even consider.” Shannon said, “I know.”

March 22, 2022

Jeff Butler calls Shannon to talk about the reality and the position. Shannon answers all his questions.

I sent out a fundraising email for Story of God to all former donors and well wishers to see if any one still had faith in this assignment and would help me try again, the next day I had more funds than I asked for.

April 10, 2022

Shannon tells Jeff no, the needs of our Church and our family are calling us to stay here in Boone. He says he understands and wants us to come up and visit anyway. They buy tickets for us to come to NYC in June.

June 25th, 2022

Shannon and Elec and I flew to NYC. We walked into that building and I was absolutely amazed because it matched the function and design of the Brownstone’s I had imagined for many years. There is a small theater, a coffee shop/boutique area, classroom space, living space...and there it was, sitting empty and ready. I kept hearing “I'm going to prepare a place for you.” I saw Shannon stand up a little taller and breathe in a little deeper and I was undeniable. Then Jeff tells us the story of his conversion, my mom and dad (Maurice and Doris Howard) drove him to church 3 times/week through highschool and Jesus won his heart. My brother baptized him. His eyes were wet with tears recalling their ministry to him.....I listened in absolute awe, realizing that I was in the car too when they picked him up all those years ago, I would have been 3 or 4 years old. I realized then that this story, this possible calling to NYC was in the works when I was 4 years old. Jeff would have to grow up and go to college and move to NYC and labor for 30 years inside a difficult calling to build a Church community and endure through years of setbacks and sojourn until they earn enough funds to buy and renovate this 4 story building in East Harlem. He moves into the building in his final years of ministry before he retires.

I knew it. Shannon knew it. But we didn’t know how or when. Our hearts were simultaneously amazed and broken, we were sobered and called into a walk of trust and faith. Shannon shares with Jeff the puzzle of our hearts, the impossible ‘how’, the certainties and the confusions, the timing of possibly 2 years away at best. Jeff tells Shannon they have another candidate coming in July. We surrender to God’s strength and his grace in all the answers.

August 3rd, 2022

While on family vacay Shannon and I spent time on August 2nd talking while playing in the ocean. What. a. Year.....He is resolved to remain still and silent regarding NYC and will not in any way pursue. We resolve to leave it all in God’s hands and remain fully present for Boone and our family. .....The next day, Jeff texts Shannon to say that He is their first pic regardless of the delayed timing of 2 years.

August 27th, 2022- October 5th My 40 day fast

Jesus calls me to focus 100% on writing the Story for 40 days. I sensed an urgency that I couldn’t explain- it was a “you must!” So I texted a few friends to pray for me and lit a bunch of candles and sat down in my writing chair over and over again for days until I finished the first draft within those 40 days.

September 14th, 2022

I check the distance between Boone and NYC on my phone...633 miles. (For those of you who knew my Mom, seeing 6:33 on the digital clock was special for her as a reminder of Matthew 6:33 “Seek first His Kingdom...”. Her love of 6:33 became my own)

October 10th, 2022

Shannon begins the official interview process with Jeff Butler, they have a great talk and Jeff indicates to Shannon that he believes this offer will go through.

October 11th, 2022

I call my sister to process all of this unthinkable story and she says, “Sherri, just say yes. Say yes to it all and journal the story. If God closes this door then you can burn all of the pages but it is time to say yes.” I then begin to allow myself to explore the possible good in this, she agrees and speaks of the good that could come for each of the kids. My faith grows a little in the exercise of yes. I allow myself to feel a little happiness and excitement.

October 17th, 2022

Shannon is interviewed by the elders of CCC-NYC. It went well, 3 steps left; the elders official invitation, preaching in front of the congregation and congregational vote, then our answer.

November 3, 2022

I am struggling, weak, sick, and afraid, deeply dreading.....and yet, I can’t tell Jesus no. If the door opens to NYC, I will go. Jesus, be my strength and hold my heart. Is this my moment for Shannon where Adrian tells Rocky to win? Is this the little hole in the wall place in NYC I have been looking for to tell the Story? Is this my Brownstone? I have to try to give the Story a chance. I can’t bury it or my husband or these dreams....if this is the lampstand that God has

been preparing for me my whole life....I have to go. I have to trust that my continued obedience to Jesus and this call on my life is somehow for all of my children too. Jesus has earned my trust.

November 18, 2022 in NYC

Shannon’s heart says yes despite all the obstacles and hard and unknown. I am beside him and behind him.

I shared my heart and vision with Laurie and Jeff Butler and they blessed the use of the building. Jeff shared some of the challenges with the building that they are still facing...I told them the story of Joseph receiving a dream of what was to come because he needed it to endure the prison. Perhaps the Brownstone vision is like that for this place.

November 21, 2022

Shannon and I took a morning walk to Central Park and he said, “This morning I woke up and I was VERRRYYY happy.”

I can’t remember very many moments in 34 years of marriage where I heard him say that. I would so love for him to get to walk in that place. There is an opportunity for Isaac to be the worship leader there as well....

November 22, 2022
The Elders of CCC/NYC offered Shannon the role of Lead Pastor. December 27-30

Story of God workshops the new script and fall in love with this new version. 3 of the workshop cast sign on for the 2023 production season. I cried tears of absolute awe. God was bringing this dream to life.

January 29, 2023
The Church members of CCC/NYC vote unanimously for Shannon to be their new Lead Pastor.

Today, March 28th, 2023
Friends, the path behind us has been littered with surrendered dreams and failed attempts starting with my 17 year old long walk away from the theater department. I couldn’t see a way or a place where my fervor for Jesus and my love for Theater could live, just like we couldn’t see the way to New York or the way for the coffee shop/Art School, or the Theater to tell the Story of

God. It has all been too big, too hard, too far beyond us—-we would try and surrender and try and surrender. But in every attempt, we were learning, growing, focusing, sharpening, and coming into more pure focus. I will never be sorry for spending my life trying to tell a Story to a world that may not want to hear it. I had completely accepted that this was going to be my life, I was the girl ‘who tried’. We were the family that continually risked it all for little show for it. I could never have imagined that while we were surrendering, God was sustaining Jeff Butler, our lifelong family friend, in New York City through 30 years of faithfulness. I do not know what lies ahead of us in this assignment, but I do know God has gone before us in unimaginable ways.

This Friday, the 2023 Story of God Team will load into a minivan and drive to East Harlem. On Palm Sunday will tell the Story for the first time this tour season inside the little NY Theater God built for us.

Romans 4:17
...the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.